About Us
Our Values
Epic Vineyard Church is a welcoming community of honest folks.  Our aim is to learn to love God more, as we love one another.

We believe Jesus’ good news is transformational, not just for individuals, but for the whole world.  And because of this we aim to live out our faith in everyday ways – sharing our stuff, praying for one another, being generous, caring for people experiencing marginalization, and celebrating God’s goodness in lots of diverse ways.

You could say we’ve summarized our values to being centered primarily around worship, community, and mission.


At Epic, everybody gets to play their part.

It doesn’t matter whether we’re serving leading worship, providing tech support, preaching, on the kids team, or serving coffee – everybody plays a part and most of our community serve at least once a month in some capacity for our Sunday gatherings. Additionally, there’s a myriad of people serving our community outside of Sundays – leading community groups, working on projects as a board, leaning into prayer together, planning for upcoming events, making youth events fun, bringing food to people in need, running our social media accounts, and much more! 

We believe our church flourishes when everyone participates! Sharing our gifts, as well as making room to grow in other areas, is key to our development individually and as a community. 

We are a healthy mix of folk at every stage of life and becoming more diverse all the time.

Because of our high value for whole community, intergenerational participation we intentionally have a smaller staffing team. While these are very helpful roles to keep us on track with learning and growing we don’t see these roles or gifts as being more important than anyone else in the life of the church.

Joyce Rees

Pastor / Lead Team

Joyce has pastored for nearly thirty years. In addition, she is a sought-after speaker for diverse parts of the Church because she’s an exceptional communicator.

As a member of the lead team at Epic, Joyce’s primary responsibilities are teaching, leadership development, and pastoral care. She also works part time for Vineyard Canada, as the Strategic Development Director.

When she’s not busy being an overachiever, Joyce loves to make stuff – cooking a feast, writing, fibre art, print design, lino-cutting or painting – you name it, she loves to create! A passion for good coffee features prominently in her life, as well as long walks with her dog, her boys, or the love of her life, Calum.

Check out her podcast “Down to Earth” where she and her good friend Jess tackle issues like power & racism, kingdom theology of mission, and much more!  

When you meet Calum you quickly realize two things – he has a tremendous sense of humour and he is proud of his Welsh heritage!  Born in Wales and raised in London, England, Calum has devoted his life to the art of groove making. Son of professional drummer Chris Slade (AC/DC, Tom Jones) Calum has translated his inheritance of rhythm making into an amazing feel on the drums. He has recorded over 200 albums with diverse artists, but he’s perhaps best known for his grooves on albums like “Come, Now Is the Time” (1997) and “Hungry” (1999) with Brian Doerksen

While he is a great technical exponent of the drums, what is really special about Calum is his sensitive soul and strong pastoral gifts and wisdom. As a member of the lead team at Epic, Calum oversees our staff, as well as facilitates strong teamwork with our elders and board. He is especially invested in equipping artists, musicians and songwriters, and framing our worship gatherings. A true pastor he is sought out by many in our community for his compassionate care and penetrating heart questions, which have enabled many to grow in their journey with Jesus.

Calum Rees

Pastor / Lead Team

Jennifer brings to the Epic Vineyard team 10+ years of experience in administrative roles, including having worked at 2 other large churches in Calgary. She is passionate about communicating with people in ways that empower, and that bring clarity and positivity. She takes pleasure in organizing messy spaces, databases, and to-do lists.

Not only is she an administrator, Jenn is also an artist. An alumni of Ambrose University’s theatre program, Jenn works as a professional actor. Her acting credits include feature films, commercials, Shakespeare plays, devised creations, scripture monologues, and more. 

Jenn has a vivid imagination, a sensitive heart, and a gentle presence. She was drawn to Epic Vineyard because of their shared values of authenticity, humbleness, and the Holy Spirit. 

In her free time, Jenn enjoys running, hiking, horses, tea, friends, and her precious border collie, Maggie.

Jenn Poppe

Executive Administrator

Matthew Goerzen

Youth Pastor

Matthew has been a part of the EPIC community since 2020, officially joining the very first Sunday of COVID lockdowns. He has grown to love the community and sees it as an extension of his family. Birthed out of his own experience and passion, he longs for people to experience personal relationship with Jesus.

First finishing his biological sciences degree he then moved into a nursing degree and has worked as an RN since 2018 (where he first fell in love with his wife, Jasmine Goerzen!).  He currently works bi-vocationally as both a Registered nurse and Epic’s Youth Pastor.

For over 10 years he has had the privilege of walking with students as they grow into young adulthood while serving on various youth leadership teams in the city of Calgary. As the Youth Pastor at Epic, Matthew is responsible for fostering spiritual formation and community with our youth. He believes that parents are the primary discipler of their youth and loves to get to know not just youth but their families as well.

It’s challenging to imagine Epic without Merlin, especially since he’s been a cornerstone since its inception. In 2001, Merlin, along with several other youth pastors, sacrificed their paychecks to establish Epic Vineyard. To support himself financially, Merlin ventured into the trades and founded Epic Roofing. This experience made him well-acquainted with the concept of “bootstrapping,” applying it both in business and in planting a church.

From the very beginning, Merlin seamlessly integrated his passion for people and ministry into both the marketplace and our church. His magnetic personality and boundless energy defy the constraints of a 24-hour day. His leadership and pastoral care have touched many lives, and his readiness to do whatever it takes is deeply appreciated by all.

Merlin is an avid sports enthusiast, though he admits he’s only average at many! Despite his active lifestyle, he treasures his reading time and can become quite grumpy if deprived of it—a testament to his commitment to lifelong learning and humility.

In addition to his contributions at Epic, Merlin serves in leadership for Vineyard Canada as the Board Chair and Missions Coordinator.

Merlin Bartel

Lead Team
Community Groups

Gregory Herrera

Associate Pastor

Gregory grew up in a pastoral home, which profoundly influenced his life and his call to ministry. His parents still pastor the Vineyard Los Teques church in Venezuela, which is where Gregory first learned of what it takes to serve a worshiping church community. Now as an associate pastor at Epic, he combines his passion for music, leadership and community service.

Gregory brings more than 6 years of experience in marketing and audiovisual production, having worked in several companies in Chile. Throughout his career, he has honed his skills in communication, design and creative management, backed by several courses in design and sound programs.

He has been married to Teresa for 8 years. In his spare time in addition to music, Gregory enjoys playing FIFA and sim racing.

Rachel is one of EPIC Vineyard’s newest additions to the staff team, but she certainly isn’t a new member of the church. She has been a part of EPIC since she was 2 years old, growing up highly involved and surrounded by the community.

Since she was 10, she has been helping out with the kiddos on Sundays… even if she should have been in with her own age group. Rachel has always had a real heart for the children, having already built strong relationships with loads of the kids.
With this being said it seems almost fitting she has taken on the role of the Epic Kids Coordinator from September to December before she heads overseas to attend YWAM Maui in January.

Rachel quite literally embodies the saying “a social butterfly”. She is an incredibly outgoing and bubbly girl, always walking around with a big smile plastered across her face. She is a very people oriented person and loves building relationships as well as meeting new people. Some of her absolute favorite things to spend time doing include hiking, volleyball, spending time with friends and family, photography, and reading.

Rachel Kolochuk

Epic Kids Coordinator

Our board directors are responsible for the fiscal aspects of our church. They plan budgets and make sure we stay on track.  Additionally they help with governance and organizational structure so the church can be strengthened in practical ways. The board also are accountable for our resource stewardship and discern our financial distribution to our partners in mission. Their role is a vital part of maintaining our charitable status in Canada and fulfilling our purposes as a community.

Jeremy Boldt

Danielle Nyarko

Cam Epp

Lisa Fox

We’re a Vineyard Church

We are a part of Vineyard Canada, a growing movement of churches across Canada, sharing resources and relationship, as we serve Jesus and make him known. Our National Director, David Ruis, created a “Why Vineyard” digital booklet to enable everyone to know much more of the Vineyard’s values, practices, history, and theology as well as understand our leadership structure. Grab a cup of coffee and read the whole Why Vineyard booklet, or pick and choose the bits you want to learn more about here.

Epic Vineyard has three partner churches, in India, Thailand, and Vancouver, as well as 3 missionaries we support – one local, and two overseas in Asia.

We share financial support with our partners in mission, but our aim is to share much more than money. For instance, our Palm Sunday service one year featured a panel of four of our partners who shared from their wisdom and experience to help shape our discipleship journey here. All our partners receive our weekly church emails, so they can effectively pray for our community. This is one of the simple ways we “share life” together. We also do our best to visit one another. Rather than being a church parachuting in with stuff and ideas about the “right way” to do things, we are always looking for increased ways to be mutually reciprocating in our sharing. Our hope is that this two-directional sharing strengthens all our communities, as we experience the gifts of God in one another.

JLYS (Jesus Loves You Society)

Strathcona Vineyard (Vancouver, BC)